Legislation and policy


Congressional Legislation from 1993 mandating women specific treatment facilities are installed in all VA Facilities in United States; testimony by Philadelphia Women Veterans, Marsena Mungin, and Dr. Cathy Bennett, Phd, request access to publication:  103-19 House of Representatives Subcommittee of Investigations on Women's Health 

2917 Capital Hill Legislative Forum on Women Veterans in Business Honoring Dr. Irene Trowell Harris, and 2017 DAV Commander, 1st Woman and Black to hold the position, Dr. Delfine Foster along with other wonder women veteran entrepreneurs. Our condolences to Mr. Dan Stewart of Homeland Security, and Dr. Renee Allen both who has since passed away, but remembered for their amazing work and legacy in the DMV and beyond.

We offer a range of specialized services tailored to meet your individual needs.

Mental Health

The Late Rev. Dr. Elijah Cummings of Maryland sponsors the Black Psychiatrist Association with Former President, Dr. Patricia Newton with a focus on Women Veterans victim to MST on Capitol Hill.



We offer a range of specialized services tailored to meet your individual needs.

Authors Corner!